Gregory L. Hall


  • Associate Professor of Integrative Medical Sciences, Northeast Ohio Medical Center, Rootstown, Ohio
  • Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, Northeast Ohio Medical Center, Rootstown, Ohio
  • Associate Clinical Professor in Medicine, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH
  • Director, Center for African American Health - Research - Education & Policy, Cleveland, Ohio


A native of Cleveland, Dr. Greg Hall is a Cleveland Clinic-trained internal medicine specialist currently serving as the medical director of the University Hospital Cutler Center for Men. Dr. Hall is an associate professor in both the Internal Medicine and Integrative Medical Sciences departments at the Northeast Ohio Medical University. Dr. Hall was a governor-appointed member of the Ohio Commission on Minority Health and served as chairman for many years, and currently serves as the board president of Cuyahoga County Board of Health. Dr. Hall’s book “Patient-Centered Clinical Care for African Americans” is the first comprehensive title detailing the optimal clinical care of African Americans. He is also the founder and board president of the National Institute for African American Health which mentors the next generation of minority physicians as well as advocate for better health outcomes for African Americans.

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