Take Free Dementia CME/CE Courses

Dementia is as difficult to diagnose as it is to manage, given its wide range of symptoms and the multifaceted care plans required. Discover our growing selection of dementia CME/CE courses and sessions designed to simplify your approach to dementia patient care. Let our experts provide you with valuable insights to better classify, diagnose, and treat all types of dementia. New to Pri-Med? Create your free account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now.

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As people live longer, the burden of dementia will increase for families, society, and the healthcare system. Join us for case studies and real-world insights to help you swiftly and accurately identify dementia in its various forms and tailor an individualized care plan that addresses cognitive, functional, behavioral, and emotional aspects of the patient's well-being.

Stay at the forefront of advancements in dementia diagnosis and treatment with our wide selection of CME/CE courses and sessions. Here is a sample of how you’ll expand your knowledge.

• Grasp the important role of biomarkers in diagnosing the cause of dementia
• Gain an understanding of the efficacy and tolerability of currently available pharmacotherapies for dementia 
• Explore drug classes currently in use for the management of agitation associated with dementia 
• Formulate basic nonpharmacologic treatment strategies for cognitive symptoms

Create your free Pri-Med account and start earning your dementia CME/CE credits today.