Take Free Keynote CME/CE Courses

Keynote addresses can contribute to PCPs’ professional development  by introducing key concepts and novel perspectives that broaden clinicians’ horizons, offering motivation, highlighting critical issues and trends in the field of healthcare, and inspiring clinicians with valuable insights. Explore Pri-Med's upcoming keynote CME/CE addresses below. New to Pri-Med? Create your free account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now. 

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Keynote speakers frequently bring attention to topics that PCPs may not be fully aware of or that are on the forefront of healthcare, guiding learners towards a more comprehensive understanding of current healthcare challenges.

Pri-Med provides keynote addresses on such diverse, motivational, and insightful topics as:

• Practical strategies for achieving health equity
• Leadership
• Communicating with patients in the digital age
• Integrating HIV and sexual health services into clinical practice
• The impact that medical trauma has on “co-survivors”
• Clinician wellness and coping skills

Create your free Pri-Med account and start exploring our upcoming keynote CME/CE addresses.