Free Procedures, Surgery, & Perioperative Medicine CME/CE

The dynamic nature of procedures, surgery, and perioperative medicine can leave clinicians feeling behind. Pri-Med’s focused procedures, surgery, and perioperative medicine CME/CE sessions offer strategies for patient preparation, risk assessment, procedure performance, and cutting-edge technological knowledge. New to Pri-Med? Create your free account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now.

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The ever-evolving field of procedures, surgery, and perioperative medicine can be particularly demanding for busy clinicians. Our CME/CE sessions provide you with efficient education on counseling patients, assessing surgical risks, and performing in-office procedures. Stay ahead with the latest advancements and gain case-based guidance from expert faculty.

Our wide-ranging selection of procedures, surgery, & perioperative medicine CME/CE conferences and courses provide education that helps you expand the following actionable skills and knowledge.

Enhance your skills to perform common procedures at your practice
Hear strategies for assessing surgical patients and applying risk-stratification tools to anticipate complications
Develop care plans for patients throughout their surgery process
Stay up to date on the latest advancements in surgery technology and procedures

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and start earning your procedures, surgery, & perioperative medicine CME/CE credits today.