Take Free Sexual Health CME/CE Courses

Sexual health is a comprehensive topic that encompasses psychosocial as well as physical aspects. It is also a subject that is all-too-frequently overlooked in daily primary care practice. These sexual health CME/CE courses can help increase your knowledge and comfort with sexual health and enable you to engage your patients in conversations that are both sensitive and productive. New to Pri-Med? Create your free account in less than 60 seconds and start earning credits now.

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Sexual health is an essential element of patient-centered primary care. By taking routine sexual histories followed by targeted discussions about ways to stay healthy, primary care clinicians can enhance the patient-clinician relationship, prevent disease, and encourage overall health and wellness.

Pri-Med provides education on 
Effective strategies for taking a sexual history 
Guideline recommendations on screening for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
How to hold effective conversations about PrEP 
Approaching male and female sexual dysfunction

Start earning free sexual health CME/CE credits with one of the courses above or browse our extensive library of courses for more topics.