Medical works walking down a hospital corridor while looking at a tablet

Wednesday−Thursday, February 19–20

12.75 CME/CE Credits

PrimaryCareNOW | A Pri-Med Virtual Conference
8am–12pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

P.A.C.T. Update: Practical Approaches to Comprehensive Treatment of Pain 2024-2025

Pain Management Oscar A. de Leon-Casasola, MD Katherine E. Galluzzi, DO, CMD, FACOFP Charles E. Argoff, MD, FABPM Aubrey J. Grant, MD, FACC
12:10–12:55pm ET

Non-CME Industry Theater

Primary Care at the Forefront of Cardiovascular-Renal-Metabolic diseases

Cardiology Pamela Kushner, MD, FAAFP Christian W. Mende, MD
1:05–2:05pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

Infectious Diseases Lawrence Herman, DMSc, MPA, PA-C, DFAAPA
2:15–3pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

Dermatology Katharina Shaw, MD, FAAD
3:10–3:55pm ET

Non-CME Industry Theater

From the patient journey to clinical insights: What primary care needs to know about multiple myeloma

Hematology & Oncology
Craig Emmit Cole, M.D.

Non-CME Industry Theater

The Unmet Need in ASVCD: Why Lipid Awareness And Education Are So Important

Michael E. Cobble, MD
4:05–5:05pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

Cultural Competency & Humility - Health Equity Gregory L. Hall, MD
5:15–6pm ET

Non-CME Industry Theater

Sarah Chadwell, MS Emily Glogowski, MS
8–9am ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

Complementary & Alternative Medicine Kevin Hill, MD, MHS
9:10–10:10am ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

Orthopedics Arun J. Ramappa, MD
10:20–11:05am ET

Non-CME Industry Theater

11:15am–12:15pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

Ophthalmology Yvonne I. Chu, MD, MBA
12:25–1:25pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

1:35–2:20pm ET

Non-CME Industry Theater

Discover Shield™ Revolutionary Blood Test. Redefining Colorectal Cancer [CRC] Screening

Andrew Albert, MD Kevin Lewis, DO
2:30–3:30pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

Medical Updates Pamela Kushner, MD, FAAFP
3:40–4:10pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

4:20–4:50pm ET

CME/CE Accredited Session

Sleep Medicine Alon Y. Avidan, MD, MPH, FAASM, FAAN
5–5:45pm ET

Non-CME Industry Theater

Customer Help Information

We are here to help. If you need assistance, please contact us through your preferred channel:
Phone: 877-477-4633 (Program Days, Session Open–Session Close) Email: Online Chat: Enabled During Program Days